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Frequently Asked Questions
Our FAQ answers commonly asked questions about our services, to ensure that our clients have a clear understanding of our process and how we can best serve them.
The demands of day-to-day business operations often make it difficult for business owners and operations executives to dedicate adequate time to conduct an unbiased, comprehensive assessment of the business and its status, relative to its goals and objectives. Additionally, even when key personnel are well informed regarding their business, often, they are not consistently well versed on the state of the industry and trends and opportunities that could impact the business significantly in both the short and long term. Consultants offer proven expertise, comprehensive industry knowledge and objective feedback that will serve the company well in resolving challenges and making informed decisions which lead to enhanced efficiency and increased, sustainable profits.
Business consultants save companies a significant amount of time, effort and money. After conducting a business assessment and research on current, industry and broader market trends, Consultants provide valuable insights and strategies to assist executives in achieving and exceeding business goals, through new or increased business opportunities, improved business efficiencies, and viable solutions to complex problems.
The cost of Purpose and Profits Consulting varies, depending on what the client desires to accomplish. Clients are very much in control of costs, to the extent that they make the decisions regarding the areas to be addressed and the problems to be solved. Once this is set, Purpose and Profits will present a proposal, outlining the scope of the engagement, as agreed upon with the client, a proposed timeline for completion, and the fee. Work commences with the receipt of a retainer, which is the first payment to the Consulting firm.
Consulting speaks to the functional operations of the business. A consultant will develop a strategic plan to assist a business in reaching goals and objectives. Coaching is more personal. Whereas Consulting will provide a business focused, strategic plan, coaching will partner with business leaders to implement the plan, addressing business systems and resources, as well as other relevant issues such as fear, team dynamics, company culture and more. Sometimes, coaching also includes preparing managers, directors and/or executives to assume greater levels of responsibility in the business.
We have worked with a wide range of industries including retail, e-commerce, restaurants, manufacturing, sports training, insurance, and healthcare to name a few.
With the prevalence of computers and online systems, which make mobile communication not only practical but often a preference, we are well able to work effectively and efficiently with English speaking clients throughout the world.